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Kira is away until August 7, 2024. ALL inquiry forms submitted will be responded to after August 7, 2024.
Parla Hair - 5 Hair Expectations Your Bridal Hairstylist Can't Meet

5 Expectations Your Bridal Hairstylist Can’t Meet

Hello my KWEENS! I am so happy you’re here.

As we head into the busiest wedding season I’ve ever seen, I wanted to chat about expectations. While I like to think that I can make magic happen when it comes to hairstyling, there are a few things that I can’t change or achieve.

1 Big braids on fine hair

This is classic math… small amount of hair = lil braid. It’s not to say that a lil’ braid can’t be cute, it just means that a big boho braid may not be in your future.

2 Low buns on shoulder length hair

I do have an exception here and it’s called extensions. In order to create a voluminous bun (or any bun for that matter) we need length. Clip-in extensions can be the perfect substitute if your current hair length doesn’t make the cut… or did get cut LOL.

3 Long lasting curls on hair that doesn’t hold a curl

You know your hair better than I do. If it doesn’t hold a curl on the best of days, chances are that my tricks will only go so far. If you’re worried that your hair won’t hold the style you have in mind, you have a few options: adding clip-in extensions or opting for a style that isn’t dependent on curls lasting 12+ hours like a low, loose bun.

4 Waves on hair that’s all one length

Glam waves are finicky friends. Hair that’s all one length will lose its wave at the root/mid-length area and the ends will be the only wave that remains. In order to create voluminous and bouncy waves, you’ll need layers throughout your haircut – at the front, at the back, on the sides, all over!

5 EXACT replication of an inspiration photo

Everyone’s hair type, hair colour, texture and length are different, so everyone’s hairstyle will look a little different too. During the consultation we’ll chat about the key features of the inspo photo that you like (face framing pieces, amount of volume, texture, etc.) so that I can make sure to achieve the same elements, just customized to you!

As always, I hope this was informative and helps guide you through the hairstyling process!


Until next time,
xo Kira